Jakarta (ANTARA) – Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning Minister Hadi Tjahjanto has expressed support for agrarian reforms to ease investment at the regional level.

    Minister Tjahjanto said the Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) was one of the legal requirements for the issuance of the Suitability of Spatial Utilization Activities (KKPR), so entrepreneurs’ business locations suited the Spatial Layout Plan (RTR).

    “For this Detailed Spatial Plan, let’s work together so that (such) issues in the region, including in the Suitability of Spatial Utilization Activities process later on, everything can run accordingly,” the minister said in an official broadcast here on Wednesday.

    He also discussed pursuing land registration, digitizing land services, and introducing a Land Bank for all participants at the “National Coordination Meeting of Regional Heads and the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum” in Bogor on Tuesday (January 17, 2023).

    During the discussion, the minister reiterated President Joko Widodo’s emphasis on investment.

    The minister said that currently, there are still issues being faced in meeting the basic requirements of KKPR as a form of business licensing.

    According to him, there are two thousand detailed spatial plans throughout Indonesia; however, regional regulations have been formulated for only 237.

    QMoreover, only 108 plans have been integrated with the Online Single Submission. This means that there are districts and cities that are yet to have them.

    Currently, the process required for the plan’s preparation could take just 12 months. Hence, Minister Tjahjanto requested that the remaining 1,663 plans be completed without delay.

    He also appealed to regional leaders attending the meeting to involve the head of the Provincial Land Agency Office and the head of the Land Office in their respective areas in spatial planning forums to formulate detailed spatial plans.

    On Tuesday, President Widodo highlighted investment issues. He cited investment as the key to economic growth in 2023.

    “So I will continue to say that this investment will be our collective concern. There should be no more permits (process) that take up months,” he said.

    In terms of increasing investment, there are issues at the regional level, one being the KKPR.

    He said that this impeded half of Indonesia, of which have yet to complete items entailing to that requirement.

    “I urge the regional government to immediately resolve this matter. I urge governors, heads of districts, mayors, regional house of representatives, to immediately finish unfinished businesses, don’t delay. So once again, investment is the key to our economic growth,” he added. 

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