Jakarta (ANTARA) –
    President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed optimism that the Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam in North Minahasa, North Sulawesi, would prevent the recurrence of flash floods in Manado that had once devastated the city in 2014.

    “The dam is located way above Manado, and if (the water) does not stop here, it can flow away and cause flooding in Manado, which I remember was devastated by a flash flood in 2014,” Jokowi stated while officiating the dam in North Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Thursday, as observed from the Presidential Secretariat YouTube channel here.

    He noted that the Rp1.9-trillion (US$121.6 million) dam was constructed since 2016 and has a capacity of 26 million cubic meters, with 157 hectares of flooded areas.

    “(The dam) will be used as an electric generator to prevent flood, particularly in Manado, and also for agricultural purposes,” Jokowi stated.

    Despite its small size, the dam is also expected to be used as a micro-hydro power plant that can generate 2 x 0.70 megawatts of electricity.

    After his brief remarks, the president declared the Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam open, and its operation commenced.

    Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful), this morning, I officiate the Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam in North Minahasa District, North Sulawesi,” the president remarked.

    Jokowi’s visit to the Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam is part of the agenda during his North Sulawesi visit. Apart from officiating the dam, he also visited Pinangsungkulan Market in Manado City and Airmadidi Market in North Minahasa to present social assistance to residents.

    The president is also expected to visit the Likupang region and the Nirmala Bahari ship moored at the Port of Munte in North Minahasa. Thereafter, he will return to his place of stay in Manado for rest before continuing his agenda on Friday (January 20).

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