Gorontalo (ANTARA) – Gorontalo’s Patriotic Day commemoration on January 23 must be preserved because on that date, 81 years ago, the province succeeded in expelling invaders, acting Governor of Gorontalo, Hamka Hendra Noer, said.

    “The independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, started at Gorontalo on January 23, 1942. Thus, we can borrow the term ‘Merdeka Sebelum Merdeka‘ (Independence before Independence). This slogan is forever a trigger (for the spirit of independence) for all the nation’s citizens, especially in Gorontalo,” he remarked in Gorontalo on Monday.

    The 81st anniversary of Patriotic Day was observed on Monday in the courtyard of the Bone Bolango District Head’s office, with the acting governor serving as the inspector of ceremonies.

    In addition to the hoisting of the Red and White flag and observing of a moment of silence (hening cipta), the Patriotic Day ceremony included a reading of the Pancasila by the inspector of ceremonies and a reading of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution by Zikal Hasan, a retired Flag-Raising Troop (Paskibraka) member from Gorontalo.

    The ceremony continued with a reading of Patriotic History by Rahmat Mohammad, an official from the Pemuda Pancasila organization of Gorontalo.

    The 1942 Patriotic Day painted a portrait of the great nationalism and patriotic spirit shown by Gorontalo’s youths in joining the Indonesian nation.

    No wonder the event made Gorontalo one of the regions that set an example for other regions in seizing independence and gaining freedom from colonialism, Noer said.

    After the ceremony, the 23-meter Red and White flag was stretched out by parade participants.

    Medals of appreciation were handed to the heirs of the fighters of the historic January 23 event.

    A similar Patriotic Day ceremony will be held in rotation in other districts and cities of Gorontalo.

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