Jakarta (ANTARA) – Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono underscored the importance of the use of domestic products in goods and services procurement (PBJ) within the ministry.

    “In an effort to accelerate the procurement of goods and services within the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, I ask all Echelon I and II officials as well as UPT Heads and Heads of Working Unit, as the person in charge of the budget, to plan, allocate, and realize the procurement of government goods and services that use domestic products,” Trenggono noted in an official statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday.

    This is done to support the improvement of the domestic economy, especially those based on the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in addition to the use of domestic products as the main choice, which is the follow-up to President Joko Widodo’s instruction some time ago.

    The effective budget allocation for the ministry for 2023 is Rp6.29 trillion that will be implemented by nine working units of echelon I.

    From the budget allocation, Rp3.7 trillion will be used to procure goods and services, both through the procurement process and self-management.

    These procurements include supporting the implementation of five KKP’s Blue Economy Programs that are expanding the target of the conservation area, implementing quota-based measurable fishing policies, developing sustainable aquaculture, conducting sustainable management of coasts and small islands, and handling plastic waste in seas.

    “There will be more activities that support those five policies that utilize the procurement of goods and services. For this reason, I request that the procurement of goods and services be carried out professionally, free from intervention, collusion, corruption, and nepotism, and resulting in the procurement of goods and services, with a high value, and economically low cost through effective and efficient stages, healthy competition, openness and transparency,” Trenggono stated.

    The KKP minister remarked that the current procurement of goods and services is measured by the aspects of quality, quantity, time, cost, and provider. This means that every rupiah spent must be able to provide added value for the achievement of the need for goods and services.

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