Jakarta (ANTARA) – The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) appealed to people in the red zone of Cianjur, West Java, to move to the places provided.

    “It is better for the people to move soon, gradually, considering that the houses prepared in Sirnagalih Village have been completed,” Head of BNPB Suharyanto noted in a written statement quoted in Jakarta, Saturday.

    Regarding the construction of houses that are not in the red zone, he said, the government prepares several schemes, including that wherein the people can build or repair their houses independently.

    “Scheme for the people who are able to build their houses themselves with a budget adjusted to government regulation and assisted by a technical team of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, so that structurally, the building is an earthquake-resistant house,” Suharyanto explained.

    Moreover, he said, the process can be conducted through the applicators that have been tested for building earthquake-resistant houses in other regions and can be assisted by the Indonesian Military (TNI) and National Police (Polri).

    During his visit to Cianjur, West Java, Thursday (Jan 19), Suharyanto said that debris has been cleared from thousands of units.

    “Some 2,722 units have been cleared of debris for the last two months. We prepare 77 excavators and 30 dump trucks. Meanwhile, 2,584 personnel, who have been assisted by the community, also help in clearing the debris,” Suharyanto stated.

    He elaborated that the government is still working towards clearing the debris from houses that cannot be accessed with heavy equipment.

    “All places, both that can be accessed and cannot be accessed by heavy equipment, are being cleaned, while for places that cannot be accessed by heavy equipment, the work is inevitably being done manually with human power,” he remarked.

    Suharyanto emphasized that the cleaning process conducted by the government was free of charge.

    “Clearing up the debris is financed by the government, and there is no need for the community to pay. If someone asks for compensation, the community can report it,” he said.

    Related news: Govt prepares two permanent housing sites for Cianjur quake’s victims

    Related news: BMKG publishes hazard map for Cianjur earthquake

    Related news: BNPB ensures clearing of Cianjur quake ruins in 40 days


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