Jakarta (ANTARA) – Vice President Ma’ruf Amin highlighted the importance of national character building as it is the main foundation to save Indonesia’s younger generation from the threats of radicalism.

    “The national character is the primary foundation and essential filter to deter radicalism and other ideologies that are in opposition to Pancasila,” he said in his speech that he delivered virtually at the Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi Islamic Academy’s undergraduate graduation ceremony here Sunday.

    Amin urged universities in Indonesia, including Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi Islamic Academy, to instill the national character in their students to make them part of the country’s advanced future generation.

    Enhancing the national character is inevitable amid the rapid flows of information and values of foreign cultures as nurturing nationalism and patriotism among members of younger generation is not a task that will get completed in a day, he said.

    “The character development, particularly the national character, needs a long process and time, and it must be nurtured and developed continuously,” Amin said.

    He emphasised the importance of proper religious education, including knowledge, behaviour, and faith aspects. These all must be instilled in concurrence with tolerance, respect for differences, and national unity values.

    Amin also highlighted that the Islamic higher educational institutions play an important role in developing a democratic Indonesian character.

    He pointed out that many Indonesian Muslim figures who have become the spokespersons for peaceful, friendly, and civilised Islamic values at international level are educated at Islamic educational institutions.

    Amin expressed hope that the Islamic educational institutions, such as the Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi Islamic Academy, continue instilling noble values in their students at they will elevate Islamic values and Indonesia’s prestige to the global community in the future.

    “As one of the Islamic higher educational institutions in Indonesia, I hope the Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi Islamic Academy will produce national Muslim figures who will contribute to the development, initiate changes towards progress, and elevate our nation’s prestige at the global level,” he said.

    Related news: Moeldoko views Pesantren as medium to develop national character

    Related news: National character building does not mean rejecting foreign cultures

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