For all cases, one must not (intervene) because we have to respect the legal proceedings in state institutions that are currently underway.

    Jakarta (ANTARA) – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said that he cannot intervene in ongoing legal cases, including the one against Bharada Richard Eliezer in the alleged murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat.

    The head of state made the remarks in response to a request made by Eliezer’s mother for the commutation of the 12-year sentence sought by the public prosecutor for him.

    “I cannot intervene in ongoing legal process,” Jokowi said after inspecting the Ciliwung River sewer project in the East Flood Canal, East Jakarta, on Tuesday.

    He appealed to everyone to respect the legal processes underway at each state institution.

    He said that this applies to all legal cases, not just the alleged murder case against the former head of the professional and security division of the National Police, Ferdy Sambo (FS).

    “It’s not just for FS case. For all cases, one must not (intervene) because we have to respect the legal proceedings in state institutions that are currently underway,” he explained.

    The public prosecutor has decided to seek 12 years’ imprisonment for Eliezer or Bharada E. It has contended that Bharada E’s involvement in the premeditated murder of Brigadier Hutabarat has been legally proven.

    “(The prosecution) Demands that the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court who examined and tried this case impose a sentence on the defendant, Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu, with a 12 years’ imprisonment, and the term of detention being cut. Ordering the defendant to stay in detention,” the prosecutor said at the South Jakarta District Court on January 18, 2023.

    The prosecutor said Eliezer was guilty of murdering Joshua and violating Article 340 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

    Junior Attorney General for General Crimes, Fadil Zumhana, confirmed the charge filed against Eliezer.

    He asked the public to respect the public prosecutor’s decision against the defendant.

    “Respect the authority of the charge. We represent the community, the government, and the state. This authority is given to the attorney general in accordance with Law 11 of 2021,” Zumhana said here on January 19.

    Charges were filed against Richard Eliezer, Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrwathi, Ricky Rizal, and Kuat Ma’ruf in the alleged murder of Hutabarat on July 8, 2022, at the Duren Tiga police residential area number 46, South Jakarta. 

    Related news: Prosecutors will not be swayed in Ferdy Sambo trial: Minister Mahfud

    Related news: Public prosecutors’ team demands 12 years imprisonment for Bharada E






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