Surabaya, East Java (ANTARA) – East Java province has committed to consistently pursuing efforts to build national food security so as to set an example of self-sufficiency in the agricultural sector.

    “Thank God, East Java consistently proves the commitment to national food self-sufficiency. The (province’s) beef cattle population, amounting to 4.9 million, is a sizable difference from the second place province with amount of 1.8 million,” East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said in Surabaya on Saturday.

    According to data provided by Statistics Indonesia, in 2021, East Java was ranked first for its contribution to the national stocks of beef, dairy cows, and laying hens.

    It contributed 4.9 million beef cattle, or 27 percent of the total national stock. As for dairy cows, it accounted for 305 thousand heads of cows, or 52 percent of the national stock. The province also contributed 52.9 million hens, or 28 percent of the national stock.

    The provincial government is hoping to maintain these achievements consistently so that the province can fulfill its own needs as well as that of other provinces.

    Further, East Java produced 613,200 tonnes of meat, making up 20 percent of the total national production of beef.

    Meanwhile, it produced 573,184 tons of eggs, or 29 percent of the national production, and 545,526 tons of milk, contributing 57 percent to the national milk production.

    East Java’s success in maintaining national food contribution in the livestock sector has been pursued concurrently with other preventive measures, such as local foot-and-mouth disease handling.

    Twenty-three out of 38 district and cities, or 61 percent district and cities, in East Java were considered to be free from foot-and-mouth disease as of December 31, 2022, with zero reported cases, according to data from the website http//

    “The rate of the foot-and-mouth disease vaccination in East Java was recorded as the highest in Indonesia, that is nearly 2.58 million doses,” Governor Parawansa highlighted.

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