Makassar (ANTARA) – The South Sulawesi Provincial Government will build 11 safe drinking water facilities in the islands and coastal regions in 2023.

    Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman said in a statement in Makassar on Saturday that the Housing, Settlement Areas, and Land (Perkimtan) Department will build 11 ready-to-drink water facilities in Selayar Islands and Pangkajene Islands, Sinjai, Bone, Maros Regency.

    Four of them are in Selayar Islands Regency: Bahuluang Island in Bontosikuyu District, Karumpa Island in Pasilambena District, and Latondu Island and Tarupa Island in Takabonerate District.

    Two units will be built in islands in Pangkep, i.e. Salemo Island and Saugi Island, both in North Tuppabiring District.

    The facilities will also be constructed in Kambuno Island, Harapan Island in Sembilan Island District, Sinjai Regency and Bonto Jai Coastal Island in Bissappu District, Bantaeng Regency.

    Similar units will be built in Lingkungan Gusunge Coastal Islands in Ujungbulu District, Bulukumba Regency, Kuri Caddi Coastal Islands in Marusu District, Maros Regency, and Langnga Coastal Islands in Mattiro Sompe District, Pinrang Regency.

    In 2022, the South Sulawesi provincial government completed the construction of 10 purified water facilities, which are spread over several regions in South Sulawesi.

    The ten spots are located in eight regencies, namely Sinjai, Bulukumba, Jeneponto, Pinrang, Pangkep, Selayar, Barru and Enrekang.

    “In 2022, we already built 10 ready-to-drink water facilities, and the community has enjoyed the benefit of obtaining safe and healthy drinking water. This year, 11 ready-to-drink water facilities will also be built,” the governor stated.


    “We hope that the ready-to-drink water facilities will benefit our people on the islands and on the coast, so that people can enjoy proper and safe drinking water,” he added. 

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