Jakarta (ANTARA) – Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy has asked local governments to continue strengthening education about the importance of consuming animal proteins to prevent childhood stunting.

    “The local governments must continue to educate and socialize the benefits of animal proteins to prevent stunting,” he stressed in a written statement received here on Saturday.

    Local governments, through the related regional apparatus organizations, also need to ensure that pregnant women and toddlers in their respective areas consume nutritious food that is rich in animal proteins, he added.

    “I have advised all regional heads to always pay attention to toddlers and pregnant women in their areas to make sure they are consuming enough nutritious food that is rich in animal proteins,” the minister said.

    Animal protein sources include eggs, fish, and chicken meat, he added.

    “The community can utilize local food ingredients that are rich in animal protein to meet the nutritional intake of families, especially toddlers and pregnant women,” he said.

    There are several things that need to become a common concern in efforts to reduce stunting rates in the country, he informed.

    “One of them is the importance of adequate nutrition for toddlers and pregnant women; this requires the participation of all parties,” he remarked.

    In addition, efforts to increase public understanding and awareness regarding the importance of parenting and the consumption of nutritious food are also needed.

    “Public behavior and low public awareness regarding parenting and consumption of nutritious food is our common challenge,” the minister emphasized.

    However, he expressed optimism that efforts to accelerate the reduction of stunting prevalence will run according to the expected target through the collaboration and synergy of all parties.

    He also urged the community to play an active role in efforts to accelerate the reduction of stunting prevalence. The government is targeted to reduce the stunting rate to 14 percent by 2024.

    The latest data from the Indonesia Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) has shown that the stunting rate in Indonesia fell from 24.4 percent in 2021 to 21.6 percent in 2022.

    Related news: Stunting prevalence slides in 28 provinces in 2022

    Related news: Surabaya stunting prevalence lowest in Indonesia at 4.8%

    Related news: Importance of animal protein in reducing stunting cases




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