Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Ministry of Health is increasing the role of health polytechnics to ensure that the need for health workers can be quickly met in all regions of Indonesia.

    “As many as 2,537 graduates of health polytechnics have filled (positions in) 6,293 community health centers (puskesmas) spread across Indonesia,” the ministry’s director general of health workers, Arianti Anaya, said at the “Health Human Resource Transformation Town Hall” event here on Tuesday.

    The Directorate General of Health Workers has cooperated with the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) to provide 1,676 scholarship and fellowship slots for doctors and specialist doctors.

    According to Anaya, the commitment to meet the need for health workers has also been fulfilled through the placement of 10,524 intern doctors and 392 intern dentists in hospitals and health centers.

    “As many as 500 specialist doctors have been placed at 334 regional public hospitals (RSUD),” she said.

    Then, 7 specialist doctors who graduated from overseas universities have been placed in hospitals, she added.

    Related news: Ministry calls for need-based placement of health workers in regions

    Efforts to fill the positions of doctors and specialists have been accelerated with the help of the Academic Health System (AHS) by increasing the student quota of doctors by 18.7 percent and specialist doctors by 22.3 percent, increasing the number of teaching hospitals to 222, adding 200 lecturers, and increasing medicine faculties.

    “Those efforts are the performance achievement of the Directorate General of Health Workers in 2022, which showed a positive direction,” she said.

    To improve the competence of health workers equitably and fairly, a digital training platform called Plataran Sehat has been established, she added.

    Plataran Sehat is a site for learning and competency improvement for health workers, medical personnel, state civil apparatus (ASN) of the Health Ministry, and non-ASN health workers,” she informed.

    In an effort to empower Indonesian health workers abroad, the Directorate General of Health Workers, in collaboration with stakeholders, has sent 429 health workers to work outside the country: 287 workers to Japan, 133 to the Netherlands, and 9 to Saudi Arabia.

    Related news: Ministry confirms 151 health workers to serve in remote areas

    Related news: Health Ministry awards 220 health workers

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