Disaster mitigation, especially wet and dry hydrometeorological disasters, is our priority for 2023

    Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture stated that disaster mitigation is included in the ministry’s priority programs in 2023 to minimize the impact of disaster risks that may arise.

    “Disaster mitigation, especially wet and dry hydrometeorological disasters, is our priority for 2023,” the ministry’s Assistant Deputy for Disaster and Social Conflict Mitigation, Andre Notohamijoyo, noted in Jakarta, Tuesday.

    Notohamijoyo explained that wet hydrometeorological disasters included floods, flash floods, landslides, and tornadoes. Meanwhile, dry hydrometeorological disasters comprised forest and land fires.

    In addition, the government continues to strengthen coordination and communication across ministries and agencies as well as regional governments to handle possibilities for disaster, Notohamijoyo remarked.

    “(This is) especially for local governments whose territories have a high risk of these disasters. They must conduct mitigation measures and increase preparedness based on disaster risk,” he stated.

    One example of the intended mitigation program is the installation of early disaster detection tools at several locations prone to natural disasters.

    “Apart from that, the local government also needs to prepare personnel and various supporting equipment. Moreover, they must intensify the formation of disaster-resilient villages as one of the community-based disaster mitigation efforts,” he remarked.

    He said that the ministry also encourages the community to play an active role in supporting disaster mitigation programs in order to minimize the risk of disasters.

    “Strengthening socialization and education to the public regarding disaster mitigation measures also needs to be continuously optimized in order to increase public awareness and understanding,” he noted.

    Meanwhile, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency’s (BNPB’s) acting head of disaster data, information, and communication center, Abdul Muhari, stated that the government continues to make efforts in handling wet hydrometeorological disasters as a priority since during the dry season, Indonesia still has the possibility of floods occurring.

    He said that currently, the BNPB is starting to increase its preparedness for the dry season to anticipate dry hydrometeorological disasters, such as forest and land fires.

    Muhari noted that in 2023, hot weather can potentially occur that could have an impact on drought and land and forest fire disasters.

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