TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Chairperson of Commission B of Jakarta Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD), Ismail, stated that implementing electronic road pricing (ERP) could increase Jakarta’s revenues by Rp30 billion to Rp60 billion per day.

    The claim is based on the Jakarta Transportation Agency’s (Dishub) proposal for an ERP tariff starting at Rp5,000 to Rp19,000. It is planned that the ERP would be implemented on 25 roads around the area of Jakarta.

    “If it’s true that it will be implemented, we receive information earlier that the ERP could generate no less than Rp30-60 billion per day of incoming funds. One trip costs Rp30 billion, which means that two trips could generate around Rp60 billion,” said Ismail when meeting at the Jakarta Regional People’s Representative Council in the Commission B meeting room on Monday, January 16, 2023.

    According to him, Jakarta will get a lot of income from the ERP. Therefore, he requested that the money must be properly handled.

    “It means that the number is not small. Therefore, it must be ensured that with such potential to make a large revenue, it must be properly handled and implemented,” he said.

    On the other hand, Ismail has also questioned the basis for the proposed fare by the Jakarta Transportation Agency.

    “We would also question the basis of where the number comes from, surely there must be a calculation result,” said Ismail.

    Ismail, a politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), requests that the regulations regarding Electronic Road Pricing should not become burdensome to the community. “If the ERP is already implemented on those selected roads, those who are entitled to receive the revenue should also return it to the community who have used the road,” he said.

    Based on data from the Jakarta Transportation Agency, the Regional Regulation Draft on Electronic Traffic Control that is being proposed consists of 12 chapters and 29 articles.

    In the regulation, the time implementation in conducting ERP is designed to be executed every day from 05:00-22:00 WIB (Western Indonesian Time) on 25 selected roads which will be gradually implemented.

    Location of 25 Roads to be Implemented with ERP

    based on Article 9 paragraph 1 of the regional regulation draft, there are 25 Road (Jalan) in Jakarta that will be implemented with ERP, namely:

    1. Jalan Pintu Besar Selatan

    2. Jalan Gajah Mada

    3. Jalan Hayam Wuruk

    4. Jalan Majapahit

    5. Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat

    6. Jalan Moh. Husni Thamrin

    7. Jalan Jend. Sudirman

    8. Jalan Sisingamangaraja

    9. Jalan Panglima Polim 

    10. Jalan Fatmawati (Jalan Ketimun 1 – Jalan TB Simatupang)

    11. Jalan Suryopranoto

    12. Jalan Balikpapan

    13. Jalan Kyai Caringin

    14. Jalan Tomang Raya

    15. Jalan Jenderal S. Parman (Jalan Tomang Raya  – Jalan Gatot Subroto)

    16. Jalan Gatot Subroto

    17. Jalan M.T. Haryono

    18. Jalan D.I. Panjaitan

    19. Jalan Jenderal A. Yani (Jalan Bekasi Timur Raya – Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan)

    20. Jalan Pramuka

    21. Jalan Salemba Raya

    22. Jalan Kramat Raya

    23. Jalan Pasar Senen

    24. Jalan Gunung Sahari

    25. Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said

    Based on the presentation of the Jakarta Transportation Agency at the Jakarta Council’s legislative body (Bapemperda) meeting of the Regional People’s Representative Council on October 3, 2022, ERP is considered a solution to reduce congestion through traffic control or as a push strategy.

    ERP would also be applied to motorcyclists. The reason is that around 60 percent of traffic accidents in Jakarta involve motorcycles based on Metro Jaya Police data in 2018. In addition, the increase in the usage of motorized vehicles escalates air pollution by as much as 44.5 percent by motorcycles and 14.2 percent by cars based on the data from the Committee on the Elimination of Leaded Gasoline (KPBB) in 2019.


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