Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Coordinating Ministry of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs reminded the press to become the main reference for voters to seek information on the 2024 elections.

    “Press must be the main reference, so that the people’s choices in the coming 2024 simultaneous general elections are made in consideration of integrity, unity, and development of the nation and not based on personal and group sentiments,” deputy of national unity at the Coordinating Ministry of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Janedjri M. Gaffar stated here on Thursday.

    Gaffar delivered the statement at a seminar titled “Press and 2024 Simultaneous Elections.”

    Hence, all press in Indonesia must have the capability and awareness to take up the strategic role and follow it up with actions, such as being selective in choosing competent and reliable sources as well as adopting a constructive point of view in titling and delivering news, he elaborated.

    Those measures would have a profound impact in preventing clickbait from becoming prevalent. Clickbaits are articles with exaggerated titles carrying mismatched contents.

    “All of those need to be backed up with the reporters’ ability (that covers) technical ability and ample knowledge,” he stated.

    So far, elections tend to cause conflicts, as hoaxes have been rampant, thereby leading people to fight over matters, he pointed out.

    “Reflecting from the 2014 and 2019 elections, one of the phenomena that has become so prevalent is the (spread) of fake news and disinformation. This phenomenon will not only harm all of us because it deceives public, which leads to wrong choices during elections, but can also (lead to) social divisions that are fully charged with hate,” he cautioned.

    Such a situation not only leads to social conflict but can also impede national governance and progress. Hence, the press must serve as an objective source to cater to public interest and provide impartial news based on facts rather than interests. 

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