TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) Secretary Tavip Agus Rayanto assessed that there should be no more Jakartans living in extreme poverty considering the provincial government conducted interventions such as distributing social assistance.

    “Logically, there should be no more extremely poor residents based on the amount of the assistance distributed, if there is no additional population,” said Tavip after a limited meeting at City Hall, Monday, January 30, 2023.

    The Jakarta Central Statistics Agency (BPS Jakarta) recorded 95,668 Jakartans living far below the poverty line as of March 2022. The figure increased from 0.6 percent to 0.89 percent year-on-year (yoy).

    BPS Jakarta’s Head of General Unit Suryana revealed the meeting with Jakarta Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono. “The Acting Governor talked about phenomena in Jakarta which in principle if residents have received all poverty eradication program, extreme poverty should no longer exist in Jakarta,” he said.

    However, the fact was that BPS Jakarta still discovered samples of extremely poor families. Heru Budi, he continued, would then verify data before returning to distributing aid so that the issue could be contained.

    Suryana also explained that the average expenditure of people who are classified as living in extreme poverty is less than Rp11,633 per day or below Rp350,000 per month.


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