This collective effort is necessary to change the patriarchal culture that has rooted itself for so long so that women’s status can be equal and their contribution, especially in economy, is acknowledged

    Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Ministry cooperates with a technology company to produce women digital talents and leaders in the country.

    The cooperation is themed “Improving Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Synergy toward Gender Responsive and Child-Friendly Digital Transformation.”

    “Women also have the opportunities to increase income, improve job prospects, and obtain various knowledge and insights to improve their capacity and competence,” PPPA Minister Bintang Puspayoga noted through a press statement, Wednesday.

    “The advancement offered by technologies support women to empower themselves and be able to contribute in all fields, especially in digital economy,” she affirmed.

    The ministry expects intensive collaboration to foster women’s empowerment and leadership in the digital transformation era.

    There are two priority activities described within the memorandum of understanding inking with this technology company. The first involves improving women and children’s digital literacy and capability.

    The second involves improving access to safe internet and digital hardware for women and children.

    The two activities align with the government’s action to provide a safe, child-friendly digital ecosystem and space for all genders.

    The Ministry’s Gender Equality Deputy Lenny N. Rosalin stressed that collaboration between the private sector and the government in creating a safe and inclusive digital space will also aid in improving women’s role in this ecosystem.

    Beyond providing equal access, this is expected to allow women to contribute to the digital economy in Indonesia that is growing rapidly in recent times.

    “This collective effort is necessary to change the patriarchal culture that has rooted itself for so long, so that women’s status can be equal and their contribution, especially in the economy, is acknowledged,” she remarked.

    The technology company involved in this collaboration is Huawei Indonesia.

    The signing of the memorandum of understanding was undertaken by the ministry’s secretary, Pribudiarta Nur Sitepu, as well as Huawei Indonesia’s Vice President, Director of the Board James Sun, at the Huawei Innovation Center, here.

    Sun believes that this small step will have a major impact in terms of the empowerment of women and children.

    “I believe that this digital era requires more women leaders. This will not just become an acknowledgement and inspiration for women’s strength but also become an engine that drives digital economy’s development,” he explained.

    In line with this cooperation, the company is committed to supporting digital transformation by specifically targeting women through the 100 thousand digital talents development program that lays greater emphasis on gender equality.

    Related news: Digital literacy support crucial for inclusive digital transformation

    Related news: Ministry supports gender equality through digital space guideline

    Related news: Literacy important to boost women’s digital capacity : Ministry


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