Jakarta (ANTARA) – Commander of the Jakarta Raya Military Regional Command (Kodam Jaya) Major General Untung Budiharto has expressed the hope that the Jakarta government will approve a grant proposal for riot handling equipment (PHH).

    “The proposal has been submitted to the Jakarta provincial government along with the grant proposal for official operational vehicles,” Budiharto told reporters at Kodam Jaya headquarters in East Jakarta on Thursday.

    The military has sought a grant of Rp99 billion (around US$6.5 million) for the procurement of around 2 thousand PHH equipment, including helmets and shields, among others.

    According to Budiharto, riot handling equipment is urgently needed for securing and anticipating demonstrations during the 2024 General Elections.

    “But (the grant) has not been approved, although we really need it,” he said, adding that the use of shields in a riot situation could reduce potential violence.

    Meanwhile, the provincial government has provided a grant of Rp23.19 billion (around US$1.5 million) from the 2023 regional budget to Kodam Jaya and Marine Corps (Pasmar) 1.

    From the total grant, at least Rp11 billion has been allocated to Kodam Jaya for procuring vehicles for officials, such as one Land Cruiser, one Prado, one Fortuner, and six Innova vehicles. Marine Corps 1 has been given Rp12.19 billion from the grant.

    The grant has been provided for the procurement of riot handling equipment such as helmets, helmet covers, shields, vests, batons, full-face masks, canisters, gloves, megaphones, tactical vehicles, a commander’s vehicle, and a deputy commander’s vehicle.

    The grant was included in the budget post of the Jakarta Public Order Security Agency (Satpol PP). In the 2023 regional budget, the total budget for Jakarta Satpol PP has reached Rp1.04 trillion.

    According to Budiharto, the grant request is allowed by the regulation and has been proposed as the budget for the Indonesian Army (TNI AD) is limited to maintenance spending and is not enough for increasing the military armament system.


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